At the 75th Cannes Film Festival, Bollywood star Deepika Padukone continues to dazzle her admirers with her sense of style. While Deepika was absent from the...
The Ocean’s Eleven prequel film is currently in production at Warner Bros. Pictures, and Hollywood star Margot Robbie has been cast in the lead role. Con...
Filmmaker Ajay Gnanamuthu announced the release date of his upcoming Vikram-starrer Cobra on Friday. As of August 11, the film will be released worldwide. Due to...
The funny banter between Aamir Khan and Ravi Shastri went viral on social media on Friday. Aamir looked a little down after Shastri questioned his cricketing...
Singer and songwriter from Barbados With A$AP Rocky, Rihanna has given birth to their first child, a son. In Los Angeles, the baby was born on...
“Anand,” Hrishikesh Mukherjee’s cult classic, is getting a remake after 50 years. Vikram Khakhar and Sameer Raj Sippy, the grandson of N.C.Sippy, are working on a...
Indian-born and based in Dubai When Farhana Bodi made her way to Cannes’ Palais des Festivals, she was decked out in an eye-catching custom Atelier Zuhra...
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