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South Korea, US hold joint air drills involving F-22 fighter jet



Seoul, June 26 (IANS) South Korea and the United States on Wednesday staged joint air drills involving some 30 aircraft, including the US F-22 Raptor, the Korean Air Force said, in an apparent show of air power against North Korean threats.

It marked the second exercise between the allies this year featuring the South Korean F-35A and US F-22, which are categorised as the latest fifth-generation fighters and considered one of the most powerful jets in the world due to their stealth capabilities and advanced aviation electronics, Yonhap news agency reported.

The drills, conducted over an eastern region in South Korea, centred on sharpening their air interdiction capabilities, which refers to preventive operations carried out to delay or disrupt enemy forces before they affect friendly forces, the Air Force said.

The exercise was conducted as part of the five-day Buddy Squadron exercise that kicked off on Monday. It marked the first time the F-22 participated in the squadron-level exercise first held in 1997, it added.

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Wednesday’s exercise was held in the wake of persistent North Korean military threats this week, such as back-to-back launches of trash-carrying balloons and a failed ballistic missile test, possibly involving a hypersonic missile.



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5 killed, 26 injured as truck overturns in Zimbabwe




Harare, June 29 (IANS) At least five persons have been killed, and 26 others injured after a truck carrying 38 people overturned in Zimbabwe, the media reported on Saturday, citing officials.

The police attributed the accident to recklessness on the part of the driver who fled the spot after the mishap, Xinhua news agency reported.

A police officer said that the truck veered off the road and overturned on the way from Karoi town in Mashonaland West Province to Binga in Matabeleland North Province.

Following the accident, some passengers were thrown off the truck while others were trapped beneath the load the truck was carrying.



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1,500 kg illicit drugs seized, 120 offenders arrested in Afghanistan




Zaranj (Afghanistan), June 29 (IANS) Afghan police seized 1,500 kg of illicit drugs, including opium and heroin, and arrested 120 alleged drug smugglers from Afghanistan’s Nimroz province over the past six months, the provincial police office said in a statement on Saturday.

Without providing more details, the statement said that the dossiers of the suspects have been referred to the judiciary for further investigation and possible legal process, Xinhua news agency reported.

Afghan authorities have intensified crackdown on illicit drugs and those involved in the business.

Poppy cultivation in Afghanistan had dropped by an estimated 95 per cent since the country’s caretaker government imposed a drug ban in April 2022, according to a report from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime issued last November.



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Iran's presidential election enters run-off (Lead)




Tehran, June 29 (IANS) Iran’s 14th presidential election on Saturday entered a runoff vote, with former Health Minister Masoud Pezeshkian securing 10 million votes, while former chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili got over 9 million, Iran’s Election Headquarters Spokesperson Mohsen Eslami said.

According to Eslami, Pezeshkian got 42 per cent of the total vote count, while Jalili got 38 per cent, but no one secured the minimum threshold of 50 per cent of votes, Xinhua news agency reported.

The spokesperson said that the voting turnout stood at 40 per cent of over 61 million Iranians who are eligible to vote, adding that the runoff election will be held next Friday, July 5, as the majority was not secured by any of the candidates.

Additionally, Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf got 3,383,340, or 13.8 per cent, and Mostafa Pourmohammadi, a former interior minister and justice minister, got 206,397, or 0.8 per cent, Eslami said.

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Voting for Iran’s 14th presidential election took place on Friday after President Ebrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash last month.

The voting was held at close to 59,000 polling stations in more than 95 states, and over 61 million people are eligible to vote in the election, according to authorities.

Iran’s 14th presidential election, initially set for 2025, was rescheduled following Raisi’s unexpected death.

Initially, six candidates — Amir-Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi, the current Vice President; Alireza Zakani, the Mayor of Tehran; Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, the Parliamentary Speaker; Saeed Jalili, the former top negotiator for nuclear talks; Mostafa Pourmohammadi, a former Interior Minister and Justice Minister; and Masoud Pezeshkian, a former Health Minister — were qualified to enter the race.

Later, Hashemi and Zakani, two principlist candidates, withdrew from the race in favour of Qalibaf and Jalili, who were also in the principlists’ camp.



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Explosion at community facility kills 1, injures 5 in Japan




Tokyo, June 29 (IANS) One man died while five others sustained injuries following an explosion at a community facility in Japan’s central Niigata prefecture on Saturday, local media reported.

The local fire station received a report of an explosion during pipe dismantling work at Yahiko General Cultural Center in Yahiko in the prefecture at about 1:30 p.m. local time, public broadcaster NHK reported.

According to the police and fire department, the explosion is believed to have occurred in the basement of the building, where renovation work was being carried out on the air conditioning system and toilets, Xinhua news agency reported.

The facility has been closed since earlier this month for renovation, and no public visitors or village staff were present, the report said.

Local authorities are currently investigating the incident.



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CEC leads Indian delegation to observe Mongolian elections




Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia), June 29 (IANS) An Indian delegation led by Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar concluded its five-day visit to Mongolia on Saturday after observing the process of elections in the strategically-located country.

Representatives from 40 countries were invited by the General Election Committee of Mongolia as international observers for the 2024 general elections of the Great Khural of Mongolia.

The delegation from the Election Commission of India, along with the Indian Ambassador to the country, Atul Malhari Gotsurve, also met P. Delgernaran, Election Commissioner of Mongolia, at the headquarters of the General Election Committee, as both sides discussed various issues of mutual cooperation.

The head of the General Election Committee thanked the delegates who came to observe the regular elections and emphasised that the electoral bodies of the two countries exchange experience and cooperate.

“I went to the polling station to observe the regular elections of the Great Khural of Mongolia. The process is very orderly, clear, and understandable. It is important that representatives of political parties and civil society organisations observe and supervise,” CEC Kumar was quoted as saying in a statement released by the Mongolian poll panel.

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India-Mongolia relationship has continued to scale new heights ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s historic trip to the country in 2015.

Last year, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla visited Ulaanbaatar on a three-day visit at the invitation of his counterpart Gombojavyn Zandanshatar, Chairman of the State Great Khural of Mongolia.

The first oil refinery in Mongolia is being built via India’s single-largest project of assistance under a Line of Credit (LoC) of $1.236 billion.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and Kiren Rijiju, then a Law Minister, also visited the strategic neighbour in 2022.



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