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Anti-government march rocks Pakistan-occupied Kashmir again



Islamabad, June 14 (IANS) The Public Action Committee (PAC), the organisation that forced the Pakistan government and the legislative government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) — also known as ‘Pakistan-occupied Kashmir’ (PoK) — to its knees, forcing it to act on its demands of reduced electricity rates, subsidised prices of flour bags and reduction on privileges to government officials, has again taken to the streets, initiating another massive long march against the government’s failure to meet its promised commitments and arrests of Kashmiris.

On the call of the PAC, numerous protesters started their anti-government rally from the Poonch area, marching towards Kotli.

The march kept growing bigger and bigger as it passed through different areas, with many people joining the rally, and chanting anti-government and pro-freedom slogans.

“The government made an agreement with us the last time we protested. They committed to a reduction to electricity units. But all of that was false and a fraud as all Kashmiris have received their bills this month with the same high unit rates in their electricity bills,” said one of the protesters from Palandri.

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“Then they raided and arrested our leaders and supporters. They have taken into custody at least 200 of our people. We will not tolerate this aggression. The people of Kashmir have spoken and will not let this government and its forces pressure us anymore,” he added.

Among the many people arrested include influential nationalist voices like Amaan Kashmiri, known for his outspoken nationalist voice demanding independence of Kashmir from both India and Pakistan.

Amaan was also taken into custody and a case was registered against him along with hundreds of others from different parts of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.

“They have arrested our people because they raised their voice against the government’s fraud and false agreement. We will not leave the roads and will take this massive long march towards the capital Muzaffarabad until all the arrested people are released and our demands are met by the government,” said one of the protesters.

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The AJK government, on the other hand, is nowhere to be seen.

Many say that locals have subjected government officials to attacks and assaults in the recent past, in which they have been questioned for enjoying privileges amid the sufferings of the people.

The matter is also being kept in hiding by the Pakistani media and efforts are being made to block and stop the fast-swelling long march in Kotli through negotiations.

But as far as the protesters and the PAC are concerned, there would be no compromise on any of the demands set forth, which includes release of all arrested locals immediately, reversal of electricity bills and provision of new bills under the agreed per unit price and action against government officials and bureaucrats, who locals say are enjoying high privileges at the cost of the people’s money.

The situation remains “ultra tense” throughout PoK and is expected to gain momentum if protesters announce movement of the long march towards Muzaffarabad.

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Singapore Police arrest 309 suspects for scams




Singapore, July 6 (IANS) Singaporean police arrested 309 suspects for scam offenses from June 21 to July 4, according to a statement issued by the police Saturday.

The suspects were involved in over 1,300 cases, including love scams, e-commerce scams, friend impersonation scams, investment scams and job scams.

The police said victims lost over 10 million Singapore dollars (7.4 million U.S. dollars), reports Xinhua news agency.

The suspects were under investigation for cheating, money laundering, or providing payment services without a license.



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China's public security ministry directs local rescue after dike breach




Beijing, July 6 (IANS) China’s Ministry of Public Security has directed the public security authorities in central China’s Hunan Province to take swift action to carry out rescue and relief work after a dike breach in Dongting Lake in the province that occurred Friday afternoon, the ministry said on Saturday.

Public security authorities in Hunan were asked to work in collaboration with relevant departments to carry out disaster relief and rescue work, relocate affected residents, manage traffic and maintain order, ensuring the overall stability of society and the safety of people’s lives and property.

A batch of flood prevention equipment and supplies was urgently dispatched to the front line, according to the ministry, reported Xinhua news agency.

The ministry demanded all-out efforts to search for affected residents, ensure their relocation and provide them with adequate living supplies.

After the dike breach, public security authorities in Hunan promptly deployed police to the affected area to engage in disaster relief work and reinforced security patrols in important locations such as settlement sites and storage places for rescue supplies.

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The dike breach that occurred in the Dongting Lake was initially about 10 meters wide but expanded afterwards. The affected area near Tuanbei Village covers approximately 50 square km. This area experienced a dike breach in 1996.

Since June 16, Hunan has seen its heaviest rainfall of the year, breaking historical records in some regions.



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Leakage occurs in central China dam, over 1000 residents relocated




Changsha (China), July 6 (IANS) Over 1,000 residents have been relocated after a leakage occurred in a dam at the Jiufeng reservoir in Pingjiang County, central China’s Hunan Province, local authorities said Saturday.

If the leakage continues to develop, about 21,000 people downstream may be affected, according to a preliminary investigation, reports Xinhua news agency.

Rescue efforts, including the relocation of residents living near the dam and pumping water out of the reservoir, are underway.

So far, the water level on the reservoir has dropped to 125 meters and the leakage has been effectively controlled. The large-scale relocation of residents has not been prepared for the moment, said experts at the site.

Since June 16, Hunan has seen its heaviest rainfall of the year, breaking historical records in some regions.



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Sri Lanka earns over $1.5 bn from tourism in first half of year




Colombo, July 6 (IANS) Sri Lanka’s earnings from tourism rose to more than $1.5 billion in the first six months of 2024, a 77.9-per cent increase year-on-year, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) said in its latest weekly report.

Tourist arrivals in the first half were 1.01 million, up 61.7 per cent from the same period in 2023.

Tourism earnings in June hit $113.4 million, compared to $100.3 million a year ago, reported Xinhua news agency.

Meanwhile, workers’ remittances for the first six months of 2024 were $3.14 billion, up from $2.82 billion in the same period last year.

Earnings from remittances were $519.6 million in June.

Tourism and workers’ remittances are among the top foreign revenue generators for the South Asian nation.



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Botswana launches art exhibition to promote creative industry




Gaborone, July 6 (IANS) The 16th National Art, Basket and Craft Exhibition was launched in Gaborone, Botswana’s capital.

Held under the theme “The Creative Industry: Botswana’s Economic Future Redefined,” the exhibition features about 70 paintings, sculptures and baskets, the country’s most famous traditional craft product.

The exhibition will run until the end of August.

As part of this year’s National Arts Festival, the exhibition provides a platform for Botswanan artists to showcase their talent, creativity and the rich cultural diversity of the country through fine art and crafts.

“Botswana is supporting the creative industry to become an important driver of the economy through the National Arts Festival, as part of its goal of transitioning from a resource-based to a knowledge-based economy,” said Bridget John, permanent secretary of the Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture, during her remarks at the exhibition, reports Xinhua news agency.

John said that the National Arts Council of Botswana, established in 2020, aims to support and grow the creative industry by creating new opportunities in collaboration with the government and artists.

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Monica Selelo, head of visual arts at the Ministry, said more than 14,000 artists participated this year in the festival from across the country, which promotes both visual arts (fashion, pottery, painting, graphic design, photography, and sculpting) and performing arts.

Selelo added that some of the artists have turned professional after participating in the event and are now able to sustain themselves and their families through their art and craft.

The festival begins in February with a registration notice from the government, followed by regional events mid-year, and culminates with national finals and awards presentations in Gaborone in July.



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