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UK government mulls broader ban on 'extreme protest groups': Media sources



UK government mulls broader ban on 'extreme protest groups': Media sources

London, May 12 (IANS/DPA) Under new proposals tabled by a senior government adviser, a range of organisations, including Just Stop Oil and Palestine Action, could be banned in the UK as “extreme protest groups.”

The approach currently applied to terrorist organisations should be used as a model, according to an adviser on political violence, John Woodcock, also known as Lord Walney, the BBC reported on Sunday, citing extracts from the report.

In recommendations now due to be presented to the Cabinet, Woodcock backs proscribing groups that “routinely use criminal tactics to try to achieve their aims.”

“Militant groups like Palestine Action and Just Stop Oil are using criminal tactics to create mayhem and hold the public and workers to ransom without fear of consequence,” he said.

“Banning terror groups has made it harder for their activists to plan crimes – that approach should be extended to extreme protest groups too.”

If adopted, the measures could restrict a group’s ability to fundraise and its right to assembly on British soil.

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Climate activists from Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion have repeatedly paralysed public life with large protests in which people have glued or chained themselves together.

Just Stop Oil rejected the proposed sanctions, arguing instead that the government were the “dangerous radicals that are endangering all of us” through their climate policies.

According to the BBC, the government is considering the report’s recommendations.

A small number of protesters had in recent months displayed “violent and hateful behaviour,” the Home Office told the broadcaster.

“Extremism of any kind has no place in our society, and we will not tolerate tactics that set out to intimidate, threaten or cause disruption to the law-abiding majority.”



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Former chairman of China National Petroleum Corporation expelled from CPC




Former chairman of China National Petroleum Corporation expelled from CPC

Former chairman of China National Petroleum Corporation expelled from CPC

Beijing, July 31 (IANS) Wang Yilin, former chairman of the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) over serious violations of Party disciplines and laws, authorities said on Wednesday.

The decision was made following an investigation by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Commission of Supervision, with the approval of the CPC Central Committee, according to an official statement released by the anti-graft authority.

The statement said Wang, who was also the former secretary of the leading Party members group of the CNPC, had lost his ideals and convictions, associated with political swindlers, and refused to cooperate during the investigation. Wang repeatedly accepted invitations to trips arranged by private business owners and received gifts and money in violation of the central Party leadership’s eight-point decision on improving conduct. He also sought benefits for others in employee recruitment.

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In addition, Wang also took advantage of his position to benefit others in job promotion, project contracting and business operations, illegally accepting huge amounts of money and valuables in return. He was also accused of allowing his relatives to use his power and influence for personal gains.

According to the statement, Wang’s acts constituted severe breaches of Party disciplines and serious duty-related violations, as well as the suspected crime of taking bribes, Xinhua news agency reported.

Wang’s illicit gains will be confiscated and his case will be transferred to the procuratorial authorities for examination and prosecution in accordance with the law, the statement said.



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Austria's inflation falls below 3 per cent for first time in three years




Austria's inflation falls below 3 per cent for first time in three years

Austria's inflation falls below 3 per cent for first time in three years

Vienna, July 31 (IANS) Austria’s inflation rate for July is expected to stand at 2.9 percent, marking the first time in three years that the monthly figure has dropped below 3 percent, according to a flash estimate by Statistics Austria released on Wednesday.

Tobias Thomas, Director-General of Statistics Austria, stated that price pressure for food has “eased considerably” in July, but price increases in restaurants “remain above average,” Xinhua news agency reported.

High inflation has plagued Austria over the past few years. In a report issued in early June, Statistics Austria said although the country’s inflation rate has been declining, it is falling at “a slower pace than that of the eurozone.” Austria still has one of the highest inflation rates among eurozone countries.



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IANS Interview: Israel ready to defend against any retaliation following Hamas leader's killing, says govt spokesperson David Mencer




IANS Interview: Israel ready to defend against any retaliation following Hamas leader's killing, says govt spokesperson David Mencer

IANS Interview: Israel ready to defend against any retaliation following Hamas leader's killing, says govt spokesperson David Mencer

New Delhi, July 31 (IANS) Hours after the assassination of Hamas’ political bureau leader Ismail Haniyeh, Israeli government spokesman David Mencer told IANS in an exclusive interview that Israel’s primary goal is to ensure that Gaza no longer poses a threat to it. Asked about Iran’s threats of retaliation for Haniyeh’s killing, he responded that Israel is prepared and capable of defending itself.

He also said that Israelis hold a warm regard for India. Indians understand what it’s like to live in a dangerous neighbourhood with a country that seeks their destruction, or their demise, he said.

Following are excerpts from the interview:

IANS: Could you provide details about the killing of Haniyeh? Specifically, we’d like to know when and how it occurred.

David Mencer: I can’t comment on that particular issue, but what I can tell you is that one of the three war aims of this government of this country is firstly to destroy Hamas, its military, and its governing capabilities to bring back our 115 hostages. You know, tomorrow will be 300 days that they have been in custody. The famous Ariel Baba will be five years old tomorrow. That famous redheaded boy will be five years old, and is still in Hamas’s terror dungeons. And the third, objective of this war was to ensure that Gaza can never be a threat to us again. Hamas is an evil organisation. They’re backed by Iran. It’s Iran, which attacked us on October 7. But not only from Gaza and then other seven fronts as well, from our north, Hezbollah, also from Syria, also from Yemen, also from the Houthis, also from Iraq, also from the Red Sea, also from Judea and Samaria in the West Bank. We’re being attacked on seven fronts by Iran. But we are standing up to them and they will be defeated.

IANS: The assassination of the Hamas leader in Iran and a Hezbollah commander in Beirut has heightened concerns that the Israel-Gaza conflict might escalate further?

David Mencer: I can’t comment on the incident in Tehran, but what I can tell you is that we’re facing Iran on seven fronts. There’s an escalation. This war was started by Iran. Israel will defend itself. We have no other choice. You know, we established this country just like India, in 1948, 76, years ago, we established this country as a safe homeland for the Jewish people to get away, to get away from the Jew hatred which has plagued my people for thousands of years. Thankfully not in India. I will remind you, there hasn’t been any anti-Semitism in India. So we established this country as a safe homeland for the Jewish people. And that has remained the case, that it has fulfilled its potential as a homeland for the Jewish people, the only Jewish country in the entire globe. But we have a country on our doorstep in Iran, in our neighbourhood that seeks to destroy us. They seek to destroy it with seven different armies. They’re trying to destroy us, but it won’t work. And we’re standing up to these terrorists. Look, they’re after us here because we’re local to them. But make no mistake, they’ve got India in their sights as well. They’re in Iraq, right? The Iranians are the Iranian regime, not the Iranian people. The Iranian regime is a fascist, Islamic supremacy, supremacist, country which seeks to destroy my country, but only for us as a stopgap on the way to other countries as well, which means they must be stood up to.

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IANS: Iran’s Khamenei says avenging Hamas chief Haniyeh’s killing is Tehran’s duty, Do you perceive any imminent threat or escalation in the wake of Haniyeh’s killing?

David Mencer: I can tell you is this country is ready. We are able to defend ourselves. We will always defend ourselves. There’s only one Jewish country in the entire globe. And our responsibility, the responsibility given to us by the people, of this country, is to defend ourselves. And that will be in every single way in which we are able. You know, Iran is not only an enemy of Israel, but they’re also an enemy of India. They’re an enemy of every democracy, around the world. We’re the only democracy in hundreds of miles, in either direction. But they are an enemy of the US, and they’re an enemy of all freedom-loving nations. We have to face them here locally, so you don’t have to face them on your doorstep.

IANS: Pakistan is terming Haniyeh’s killing as an act of terrorism, what is your comment?

David Mencer: If Pakistan is friends with Iran, that’s all you need to know. Look, we consider India as an ally in this battle against civilisation and an ally to defend democracy. We have very, very good relations with India. We always remember our two Prime Ministers, rolling up their trousers and frolicking in the Mediterranean Sea. It’s a very important relationship you are facing, Pakistan. You understand what it’s like. Indians understand what it’s like to live in a dangerous neighbourhood with a country that seeks your destruction, your destruction, or your demise. We have the same thing on our doorstep. We have this Iranian fascist regime which wishes to destroy this country. But we will not let them. We will stand up to them, and we will defend ourselves in every single way. The Prime Minister has made absolutely clear. Whoever seeks to harm us, they will be harmed.

IANS: Buzz is that Mossad was behind Haniyeh’s killing. Do you have any clue?

David Mencer: Do you have any clue about that? So I can’t comment on that incident. But what I can tell you is that Israel will use every means at its disposal to defend its people. Every single means at its disposal. We showed that, with the elimination of the Hezbollah chief, last night in Beirut, he was the number two of Hezbollah. He had the blood of many innocent people on his hands. Not just Israelis, but also Indian nationals as well. I remind you that an Indian national was killed by Hezbollah in the north of this country which was a terrible shock to us. Of course, we offered his family and his friends all the necessary means to repatriate, that poor Indian, citizen. So they’re killing us. They’re killing Israelis, but they’re also killing Indians, which means that we must stand up to Iranian-backed terrorists.

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IANS: There are friendly countries, be it the US or India, who have stood by Israel for a long time… But, there are also several others, like Russia, Qatar and many more who are condemning Israel’s actions… How do you plan to tackle the situation which is increasingly getting volatile with each passing minute?

David Mencer: Look, I’ll tell you very clearly that the Iranian axis of evil, of which there are a number of countries you mentioned, some of them, our enemies know how to fight us. Israel is a democracy. But also that’s true of other countries as well. They know that we value human life is precious. Now, Hamas and Hezbollah, they’re not upset that parts of Gaza have been destroyed. They’re not upset. They’re only upset that more of Gaza has not been destroyed. They prefer ten times more Hamas. Hamas are not upset that Gazan civilians have been killed, even though we’ve tried our hardest to keep them out of harm’s way. They’re only upset, that more Gazans have not been killed. Iran and Hamas would be happier if ten times, ten times, more were killed because Hamas are willing to bear these costs because it means that the world will come crashing down on Israel, as they have done. Now look through Iran as well. They think that they figured out how to beat Israel. They think that they can beat us in the media. They think that they can beat us on the BBC and CNN and on Indian channels as well, and on MSNBC and on many others. But they will never beat us through terror, not through tank columns, not through guerrilla war. They won’t win that way, but only through this. The distorted images and the unchecked, contextualised images of this war in the media! Hamas and Hezbollah are immune to the costs, to their own people. These are jihadi Jew killers. They are shaping the strategic environment. So Israel must respond and defend itself. Now, Iran knows that it can only use the media to destroy Israel. They present this distorted version of Islam, which means revolution to them. So to restore Islam and their policy and its perceived place at the top of history according to their ideology, it all begins with destroying Israel. It all begins with destroying India as well. It begins with destroying other democracies. But I must tell you, we’re on the front line of this. We’re only a stopgap for the jihadis on the way over to you. They call us the small Satan. They call the rest of the democratic world the Great Satan. So for this enemy and this is important for Israel, and for India as well, the world needs to unite to create a great strategy to stand up to this Islamic hatred.

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IANS: Israel’s PM has visited the US recently. How is the US supporting Israel in Operation Gaza?

David Mencer: Look, the US and Israel, have been side by side, shoulder to shoulder for decades and decades and decades now. It’s for two reasons. It’s because of the shared values I mentioned. We are the only democracy in hundreds of miles in any direction of the US, of course, and India is also a democratic country. Iran is our enemy. The US has played a key role in standing together side by side with Israel to face this Islamic fundamentalism, this Iranian-backed Islamic fundamentalism. They understand that the government of the US understands and they matter who wins the elections in November. And in the US the relationship between Israel, and the US, is a bipartisan relationship that’s very, very important to us. But no matter what happens as a result of that democratic election, the US will still face Iran, this fascist country which seeks to destroy democracy. So we’re standing up to them together. We’re on the front line here, but we’re only a front line on the way to other democracies which means we must win against this Islamic fundamentalism

IANS: Any message to the Indian government?

David Mencer: India has been a safe haven for Jews for millennia. There was a very warm place in the heart of all Israelis for India. You probably know that when our soldiers, tired after three years of service, end their military duty, lots of them go to India because of the healing properties of your land, because it offers them some respite but the peaceful nature of your people, the beautiful nature of the Indian, population, and the close relationship we have as two countries in our coordination, not only in military, means, but also in high tech and creativity. So, look, we’ve shared many, sophisticated technologies with India, not least, drip irrigation, not least pulling water out of the environment. We’ve saved the lives of many Indians because of that water technology. That’s something we’re so extremely proud of. And we want that relationship to continue into the future. So let me use this as an opportunity to say thank you to the Indian government and also thank you to the Indian people for standing by us, so much of the Indian people for standing by us during this extremely difficult time.



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Bank of Japan hikes policy rate, reduces bond purchases




Bank of Japan hikes policy rate, reduces bond purchases

Bank of Japan hikes policy rate, reduces bond purchases

Tokyo, July 31 (IANS) The Bank of Japan (BOJ) on Wednesday announced the decision to raise interest rates and cut back on government bond purchases, seen as a big step taken to shift its monetary easing policy.

The BOJ has decided to raise its policy rate to 0.25 percent from the previous range of zero to 0.1 percent, which was set when the BOJ ended its negative interest rate policy in March.

The second policy rate hike this year, which was announced after a two-day monetary policy meeting, marked the first “additional rate hike” since February 2007, national broadcaster NHK reported.

The Japanese central bank also decided to halve its monthly government bond purchases to 3 trillion yen (about 20 billion US dollars) from around 6 trillion yen by March 2026, in a further shift toward policy normalization on the backdrop of a weakening yen, Xinhua news agency reported.

The Japanese yen briefly jumped to the 150 level against the U.S. dollar shortly after the announcement in the forex market during the day, hitting its highest level in over four months.

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In its statement on Wednesday, the BOJ emphasized the necessity of adjusting the level of monetary easing to achieve a sustainable and stable 2-percent inflation target.

Should the economy and prices develop as anticipated, the bank intends to continue increasing the policy rate and modifying the degree of monetary easing, it added.

Following the rate hike, short-term interest rates are expected to climb to around 0.3 percent, the highest since the 2008 financial crisis. The move will affect household savings, mortgage rates, and corporate borrowing costs, local analysts pointed out.

At a press conference on Wednesday, BOJ Governor Kazuo Ueda highlighted the impact of the yen’s depreciation on import prices, calling for attention to the risk of price hikes.

Regarding the reduction in government bond purchases, Ueda explained that while the long-term interest rate effects will be slightly diminished, the anticipated decline in the outstanding balance of government bonds by 7 to 8 percent over the next two years should mitigate significant upward pressure on rates.

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In its July outlook report, the BOJ maintained its forecast that the consumer price index, excluding fresh food, will sustain a growth rate of approximately 2 percent through fiscal 2026.



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Toyota receives first corrective order for falsified test data




Toyota receives first corrective order for falsified test data

Toyota receives first corrective order for falsified test data

Tokyo, July 31 (IANS) Japan’s transport ministry has issued a corrective order to Toyota Motor Corporation, mandating improvements in its business practices following the discovery of improper vehicle testing procedures for seven additional models.

Toyota Motor President Sato Koji on Wednesday was summoned and given the correction order by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

The issue first surfaced in June when it was revealed that Toyota had falsified performance test data on seven models to secure the necessary certification for mass production, which led to the suspension of shipments for three models that were already in production.

In early July, Toyota conducted an internal investigation and reported no wrongdoing beyond the initial seven models, Xinhua news agency reported.

However, a thorough investigation by the ministry, including an onsite inspection of Toyota’s headquarters, uncovered further malpractice involving seven more models.

The corrective order requires Toyota to devise and implement fundamental measures within a month to prevent future occurrences, and the auto giant must provide quarterly progress reports to the ministry.

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This marked the fourth time the ministry has issued a correction order under the Road Transport Vehicle Act amended in 2019. It was the first time for Toyota to have received such an order.



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